Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Damn, my phone isn't working.  Ugh.  Big problem.  Strange really.  Never had any problems on previous visits.  May have to buy a local phone.  In the meantime, Steve (my driver) is gracious in making my calls.

It's about a 1 hour drive to Logorian from Kilgoris.  About 25 miles due south (yes - 1 hour to drive 25 miles!!).  Really rough roads, but we got there around 11ish.

Robert turned my visit into a big deal.  Regional medical directors from the government were there and all of the local politicians and leaders.

This is a fun leg of the trip for me.  More of a celebration really.  About a year ago, I financed a water project for them and having abundant, fresh water now is HUGE.  I took a few photos (above) of their water well, pump and stuff we had repaired or replaced.

The Amazing Dr. Robert Mutula and my transportation from Kilgoris

Above are some photos of the group of local and regional officials Mutula gathered for my arrival

So, we inspect the items that arrived this week on the container.  They are especially excited about the dental equipment!!  They have never provided dental services out here (a big problem) and whats crazy is that the dentist in Kilgoris has nothing to do because no one has any dental equipment.  Well, they do now!

Since the items just arrived, they've had really no time to organize or implement them.  Consequently, I didnt have many photo ops.

Infant warmer

Rut row!  In the big meeting, they decided to give me ANOTHER Masai name.  Geeze.  OLKISHUYIET - MEANING "SAVE LIVES".  I'm struggling with the pronunciation.  Very close to "O' Kiss you shit".  So there you have it.  :)

Robert actually got married last December.  He's in his early 40's and getting married that late is very unusual in Kenya.  I met his wife.  Very nice lady.  She fixed us an awesome dinner that night, when I presented my wedding gift to them

Robert and Wife with Wedding Gifts - matching watches
Kenyan's sometimes say "AMERICANS HAVE THE WATCHES, KENYANS HAVE THE TIME".  So true and funny given my choice of gift for them.  I actually researched appropriate wedding gifts in the Kenyan culture, but a goat just wouldn't fit in my suit case!

The only sobering aspect of today was that Robert told me he's going back to graduate school to specialize in surgery.  He leaves Logorian in September.  Boy, without him, I'm not sure what our future holds in Logorian.

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