Sunday, June 3, 2012

DAY 8 - Wednesday May 30 - BACK TO NAIROBI

Today was a part travel part relaxation day.  I got caught up on the blog and got some shopping done for friends back home.

Steph, you asked for photos of the landscape and surroundings.  Here you go.  Sorry no animals or Safari shots this trip.

Village on Lake Victoria - horrible water conditions, used for bathing and their "Cho" (bathroom)

Another typical village scene

Common means of carrying stuff

Roadside vendor. We bought lunch here.  Avocados on Chapiti

A Muslim Mosque

Ferry landing - Lake Victoria

Their motorized canoe transport to Mfangano Island

Typical Village street and setting

This morning's catch of Pike, about 80 kg and about 1000 shillings (around $12 USD)

Typical roadside shops

Typical roadside storefronts

Kids at a local park playing musical chairs

Little Daisy, my dear friend Steve's adorable 2 year old daughter

More landscape photos to come.  I'm headed to Kijabe today, a different part of the country.

1 comment:

  1. wow, thanks Steve for posting the pictures! We're just back from visiting the in-laws so I'm catching up with your blog. I would take typical village scenes over safari pictures any day. It's fascinating to see glimpses of the everyday life, what a difference to what we're used to in the US or Europe.

